Monday, February 1, 2010

Shopping Bags

Ok this is something I've been meaning to say for a while. The grocers in Toronto and surrounding area decided (again "Them"- see previous post) that shopping bags were bad for the environment. Well duh, I guess they didn't see enough pictures of wildlife with bags stuck around their necks or choked to death on them, etc. for the past what 25-35 years to finally get the picture. Anyways they decided to cut down on the amount of plastic bags in the landfills and from then on it would cost the consumer something like 5 cents a bag to buy them in the hopes that people are;
1. cheap enough that we won't shell out an extra 5 cents a bag now that we have to start paying for them, and 2. stupid enough to do the above.
And guess what? For the most part it seems to work. We have all bought these reusable bags. Which from what I have heard from my brother, this is what they do in Europe and have been doing for years- bring their own bags I mean.
Seems to be the North American wasteful society thing to develop something to throw away...much like our divorce rates.
I have heard that the lifespan of a plastic garbage bag takes 200 years to decompose. First of all, plastic wasn't around 200 years ago so how would Brangelina know it takes that long? And I don't think Brad and Angie ( I hope you don't mind me calling you that), are even close to that age.
So 200 years is a long time and I'm not sure Brangelina can count that high, and the bag people started making the bags thinner and not good for shite...literally cat shite I'm talking about. Would take me two bags- an inner bag that usually had a hole in it, and an outer bag that has no holes. So yes, I'm the guy that's been filling the landfills lately. Well that is before the environmental bags came in.
I digress (obviously), so what this whole post was about was the local grocery stores have for the past 6 or 8 months made you supply the shopping bag. Which I don't mind as it will hopefully one day reflect this in the landfills, what I do mind though is one day the cashier will fill my bag with my goods and the next because of this new law/rule/whatever it is, will just ring through my goods, take my money and stand there looking at me like I know something about packing a bag. Or even worse start working on the next client while I'm trying to figure out what goes where. And yes, this is the local Metro (formerly known as A & P or Prince, not sure which yet).
The only store that this does not bother me at is No Frills, since they have always been what they say..."at these prices pack your own damn bags!".
Although the Metro in Newmarket south of Mulock employees ask you if they can pack your bag for you...customer service, aint' it amazing! I should write to the manager of that store to give them an attaboy.

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I work at a 911 centre. Yes, CENTRE! I am Canadian! So, yes I do have some stories. Not as many as you might think as you do tend to get jaded working in that environment for any length of time. And you start to think of everyone as stupid, immature, and wonder how we ever survived the dark ages as a race. We need more chlorine in the gene pool! Most people I find are afraid. Afraid of life, afraid of each other, afraid of failure, afraid of success. You big fraidy cats! Wait till the zombies come, now that's something to be truly afraid of!