Monday, October 31, 2011

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

Best pumpkin award! Sorry Pat. Next year do something more in keeping with the holiday. The award for this year goes to (youknow) your wife. My daughter, who is frekin awesome by the way). 
Batman! na, na , na, na, oh, it's a gargoyle. um, Gargoyle! na, na, na, na , na, na , Gargoyle! 

I think I'm coming out of the ground, but my arms are crossed, therefore apparently I'm just 
 biding my time. also because I have to pee. 
We are climbing up the side of the house because June likes us. Just as we have done for the past 4 years. ha. 

I'm a witch, or Linda Blair. 

Here is what the house looks like with flash. Unfortunately, It's a lot better without the flash, freaks a Loooot of people out. And they take pictures? What is that about, do you not have a sd card inserted in your brain? geez! 

Spiderman! na, na, na, na, Oh! ...he's not Peter Parker! 
What I will look like in 20 years! 

Emmas first baby, Jeeves! or Damian! lol

The house during daylight hours. Doesn't that look scary? Orrrr not.  

Freaking Linda Blair! 

I love this guy! My platoon bought him for me for my 50th birthday. They rock the casbah! 

I, personally didn't think it was thaaaaat bad. Apparently my thoughts are darker than I thought. I only used blue and green floodlights. That seems to make a world of difference. Heh, Heh, Heh. It worked! 
More Rockets for me! 

The new addition spider victim or mummy, whatever! I like to think of him as spider guy! 

Lotso fog! 

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About Me

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I work at a 911 centre. Yes, CENTRE! I am Canadian! So, yes I do have some stories. Not as many as you might think as you do tend to get jaded working in that environment for any length of time. And you start to think of everyone as stupid, immature, and wonder how we ever survived the dark ages as a race. We need more chlorine in the gene pool! Most people I find are afraid. Afraid of life, afraid of each other, afraid of failure, afraid of success. You big fraidy cats! Wait till the zombies come, now that's something to be truly afraid of!