Friday, April 23, 2010

#461 In Things About Life I Don't Understand

Drove by a full serve gas station this morning, and they were lined up 4 deep to get gas. Thought perhaps there was something I didn't understand-like the price dropped to .72 or something. Nope, was $1.00/litre. Puzzles me why people would voluntarily line up to get gas for no apparent reason. Like a long weekend coming, or a gas hike. And for those that think I'm just bitching, this particular gas station never has a lineup unless there is drop in price, so I'm uber puzzled.
So then I drove around the corner to the self serve and got gas for .998 and saved a whole eleven cents. As I drove by the lineup after filling up, I dug in my pocket and threw eleven pennies at the waiting cars. Cuz that's the way I roll.

Ok, so one of the girls at work had caller the other night very early in the am, around 0400. Woman was saying there was something wrong with her husbands arm. He slept on it and now can't feel it and it's cool to the touch. So she dialled 911.
1....2....3....4.....count to ten before losing job over what I'm really about to say. Deep breaths, Ommmmmmm, all good now.
Guess this would be #462 or a lot lower. Like 12 or better.

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I work at a 911 centre. Yes, CENTRE! I am Canadian! So, yes I do have some stories. Not as many as you might think as you do tend to get jaded working in that environment for any length of time. And you start to think of everyone as stupid, immature, and wonder how we ever survived the dark ages as a race. We need more chlorine in the gene pool! Most people I find are afraid. Afraid of life, afraid of each other, afraid of failure, afraid of success. You big fraidy cats! Wait till the zombies come, now that's something to be truly afraid of!