Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Broke the garage door yesterday, called a repairman who now apologizes profusely but can't get here until tomorrow at the earliest. I could call another company. Which I may do.
After breaking the door, thought about attempting to fix it myself. However all the websites I visited warned against it due to the springs used and tension that it may fly off and kill me. And since I don't really know how the spring interacts with the door...might be a good idea to spend the money and get someone who knows what they're doing in to fix it.
Which got me to thinking about money. Who thought up this stupid idea that we all work for money or work for some reward? What a dumb idea. Just shows to go you that thousands of years ago, we had the "What's in it for me?" attitude.
So, outside of fixing the house it got me to thinking about the Caymans. Yes, more island talk. Since it's minus 11 outside and the windchill puts it to -20, why not think about the Caymans? ha.
There is a lot, I mean a lot of rich and well off people there. And, since I'm not one of them. How did they do it? Investments? The one good idea? Inheritance? Planning? I don't know. I would like to be one of them, however my 6/49 ticket says I only won 5 dollars. I'll be a while amassing that fortune.
Here is a picture of the house I think I would like.

And it's just been reduced to sell for 2,000,000. Cayman. So that would be about 2.5 mill. Cdn. 
And they are including the boat. I'm sure it's not an aluminum runabout. I hope.  
I already have a former marine police officer offering to man the gates and make sure all is safe on top of the water and under. I just haven't told him that part of his uniform is when he peels off his drysuit (since wetsuit would make it wet, duh) his uniform is a tuxedo just like in the Bond movies. 

Monday, December 13, 2010


Today is definitely a snow day. I sometimes wish my work would let us take snow days. Go ahead, kill each other, we're all at home watching Oprah and having hot chocolate! Yes, that would be cool indeed.

I (we- my better half and myself) have just come back from a week in Grand Cayman. Yes, the weather was awesome thank you. First time I had ever been to an island other than centre. My wife says it wasn't like other places she had been (Bahamas, Acapulco, Aruba). Was very Canadian there. Except they do have some rules that the English do, stores open only during the day 9-5 type thing. Left hand driving on the road. The island shuts down or seems to at night. Only two nightclubs there that I knew about. Very dependent on the cruise ships, which my wife had spoken to a t shirt vendor. He said they used to have 7-9 cruise ships in at once, now they were lucky to get 5. Recession hurts everyone it seems.

This was a trip I had won by signing up for a marathon and a running room clinic back in February. We figure the trip cost us just over 2 grand. The hotel and the airfare was free however we still had to eat. I guess we could have eaten more cheaply, but everything was so wonderful and delicious there. Only had two mediocre meals the whole time there. Their dollar is worth what the American dollar used to be like years ago, 1.25 to one of ours.  And we rented a car, that was around 380 Canadian, because we are too used to being independent and I wanted to explore the island. And also ran a half marathon there (which was the whole reason for being there), they tied in their marathon with the Scotia Toronto Waterfront one. Here I am just before the finish.

Yes, very happy to be there. An excellent run which I'd do again in a heartbeat. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

That Kid From Southern Ontario

I was going to post a picture that was most unholy. That kid with the hairdo holding onto Lord Stanley's cup. This was from a motivational picture about it circulating. But even that is too much press for the little twat. For those that can't guess, he's the one that makes about 300 g's an appearance now. All this from one little youtube video. Well, good for him I guess. I just hate seeing him everywhere. Has a good publicist I guess.
However, you shall never see a picture of the dork on this page, hence why I have 5 followers, and he has millions of 9 yr. old girls screaming for him...I WIN! He may have the money, I have self respect.
Dirty little boy, we better make sure our Crimes Against Children unit keeps an eye on him.



American Express® Cardmembers can purchase tickets* to ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER before the general public beginning Wednesday, November 10 at 10am.
Come join us for an intimate conversation with Arnold Schwarzenegger as he discusses the current state of Canadian-American Relations, the economy, energy security and the environment.

Arnie is coming to Toronto! My favourite Action hero of the 80's-90's, Mr Universe, Mr Olympia! Someone I admire, the self made man! Let me go see about tickets! I'm sure I could find someone else willing to go with me to hear him speak about important stuff!

Well!...that was short-lived. sigh. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

When I Get Old...er

Make sure I don't take the bus downtown, strip off all my clothes on Queen St. and pull out my magical flute. Or just pull on my magical flute. 
Whatever, just make sure I don't do this please! 

(I know one of my chillens does read this occasionally, sorry to have burned an image into your brain that you won't be able to get rid of) 

When I read this, why do I have Stewie Griffins voice in my head? 

Friday, September 3, 2010


Well I found another lost bicycle today...it's my third (complete, meaning not missing any tires or seats), thinking of opening a bike shop however I hear it's a quick way to the hoosegow. Ok, I lied.
Guy in Toronto who owned and operated a well known bike shop was arrested in 2008. Just took the police a while to finally charge him. Word on the street (cuz that's where my ear is, was, until a streetcar took it off) was that if you were a bicycle courier and your bike was stolen this guys shop was your first stop to "buy" it back.
Ok, enough about people I know little about and care less about. After all this blog is mine! So, yes it is all about me!
Last daughter, meaning #3 being shipped off to college tomorrow. Shipped meaning I'm driving her and my beloved wife to Belleville (yeehaw!) in the afternoon, staying overnight for one last kick at the can (kid), hopefully to have a good time (drunkfest) and dropping her like a used tissue at her residence until she calls (just like her sisters did) at 8 pm to say she didn't know what to do and can we come get her?
Anyways, the whole point being I love all my girls and I hope they know that. Yes you, Sarah! I still love you the most, you being the oldest! (Shhhh, don't tell her that I tell that to ALL of them!)
So this will be new...running around naked with no kids to interrupt things. Maybe we should turn Emma's room back into the music mansion it once was as we had no tv when we moved in, hence why we ended up with kids, duh. lol.
It's a new chapter in our lives folk. (I would say folks but don't' think more than one person actually would read this far), so yes, it's different. We'll survive I'm sure (I think), well one of us will.
Maybe... since I poisoned her food tonight so she can't knife me when I'm sleeping.
Kidding! Jeez! Don't you have a life?
I would say yes but you HAVE read this far meaning...and I wanted to say never would I do such a thing, but I'm sure she feels the same way sometimes. Or more often (like daily).
So, what I wanted to say was that this is the new chapter in our life and it feels weird, after all we've gone through with the babes we're deserted. YOU LITTLE BITCHES, SEE WHAT HAPPENS NOW YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN! Oh yah, you'll probably make a lot money than us and rub it in our face.
Just don't put me in the old folks home in the swamp where I have to use the toothbrush to scrub things with....Please?
It's just a really weird feeling. We started on our own, had some beautiful girls, and going to end the same way. Just bizarre. Thinking of turning our house into an 18 person tenement just to have some company and hopefully someone that won't leave. Either that or tunnel in the basement to the street for something to do. Now that would be cool! Except it would take a lot of work and I'm not feeling up to it. But! I could pretend I was in prison and bring out pocketfuls of dirt and sand when I came outside, and people would say "Beautiful landscaping, but how did he build a tunnel under his house with no one knowing?"
I'll answer that another day!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Still Alive

Well, sort of. Lots of things have happened since I last wrote.
Ok, not that many. Won a trip to the Cayman Islands that will take place in December. That's the biggest of course, which most reading this would know anyway since I have bored them to death with things to do in the Cayman Islands. Or the Caymans as we locals like to call it.
Ok that was bad taste passing myself off as a local since I've never been off North America. And I just googled that and found out I still won't be off the continent since America del Norte actually covers the caribbean as well.
The Americas are generally accepted as having been named after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci (who also gave us the Vespa line of scooters) by the German Cartographers Martin Waldseemuller and Matthias Ringmann (who gave us saturday morning cartoons, sunday comics and expensive luxury cars that I can't afford to buy). Here's a picture of the guy who named our continent. Personally the Federated Lands of Vespucci has a certain flair to it that I like.

And here is a picture of him on his scooter.
Oops, I mean we tried to get a picture of him on his scooter however the photographer took the picture a little too late....or a quarter of a second too early.

So I digress, I am tired, did 26 k today in preparation for next months marathon. A marathon is 42 k. I am so screwed! Was supposed to do 32 today as last weekend I had only managed to do 29 k of again my 32. Yes for those that don't know we usually run the same distance two weekends in a row and depending on the length, the 3rd weekend would be a bit of cut back, to give some muscles a bit of a break. This only occurs during the longest distances in training however. Guess I shouldn't say "only managed" as it's still a pretty impressive distance, however I have my eye on the end distance, and anything less is well, not completed, and failure. Jeez, I sound so serious! Maybe if I had gotten out there more steadily I wouldn't be in this boat. That's my fault however, always trying to do the least, and that's the thing about the marathon, it is unforgiving. You have to do the mileage to make it to the end and survive in one piece.
The Cayman Island trip came about because I signed up for the (insert sponsor name here) Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront marathon. And I signed up to do it before March of this year. Apparently when you sign up to do it, and also sign up for a clinic at (flagrant sponsorship name goes here) The Running Room, you are automatically entered for a draw to win a trip for two to the islands. Most expenses paid...ok flight, accommodations which does include breakfast at the said accommodation, transportation from and to said accommodation, and all taxes as well they will pay my way into the CAYMAN ISLAND MARATHON or half marathon, whichever I choose to do.
Personally, I would have preferred to have won the Lotto Max at 50 million as this island is where I would hide at least 25 million. And perhaps myself and wife for a while.
Although I thought I had come across something recently that stated that the banking laws down there had changed and it's not the tax haven it used to be. So what else is new?
I have a decision to make regarding upcoming runs and not sure which way to make it although I will probably do the one that is the bad decision. Because that is the the one that appeals the most to me of course. We shall see.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Goon Teaser

Every movie should have zombies, they're indispensable for comic relief and terror. This clip looks interesting, watched it twice and am amused. Highly. Of course it doesn't take much. Re-fridg-erator (another long story for another day if you must know that much about me). I really like the subtleties in the clip. I'd buy it...on Blu-ray even.

And In Other News...

Worlds most dangerous criminal "Mr Buckethead" was captured by local law enforcement officials yesterday. This criminal mastermind was caught while at the corner store. He claimed to be purchasing milk for his Oreos.

Hope The Fire Dept. Is On Speedial

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Moving On

Not sure how many people have seen Twilight....the series of movies not the zone.
I have an idea;

And Now In Other Useless News

     Lindsay Lohan (there can only be one!) - my apologies for mentioning the little crack head in the first place, the second was in the brackets; a reference to season two of Robot Chicken where Lindsay Lohan squares off against Amanda Bynes and Hilary Duff in a Highlander remake. Pretty damn funny, well I thought so. And I'd show it to you, but! for some reason the producers (Adult Swim) say "You've reached this website because we're not allowed to show these videos across the U.S. borders (meaning Canada). If you're in Europe (nope, Canada) or U.K. ( I said Canada!) go to our U.K. site. I went there, they conveniently don't have the vid I want. Ok, pressing on;
So Lindsay is only getting 14 days out of a 90 day sentence. I'm sure it'll be a hard 14 days...maximum security, hard labor, hitting rocks with hammers sort of thing.
 Hmmm wonder if she'll be lesbian when she comes out?
Don't say I didn't warn you, it was useless!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Animal Dance Party

I may be mistaken (Pshaw!) but since when have cats gotten their own Party Mix? Why would a cat need a Party Mix? Do they break out in spontaneous dances? Do they party like it's 1999? The picture looks like that cat had some "special" brownies. Are these the equivalent to nuts and bolts for humans?  Alright, perhaps they don't, since it does not anywhere say they dance. Be cool if they did though. I would be the first and then I would put them on T.V. and make bijillions off them! Plus would be neat to be walking down the street and 30 cats come out of nowhere and perform the thriller dance. I'd pay to see that but I'm broke, so you will have to buy my ticket. 
I have never bought these for my cats. They are so deprived. No party for you! Clean those dishes! Hem those pants! Is the laundry done yet? Damn cats, think they can just lie around and sleep.


     I was going to write about people in the neighbourhood north of us that have moved in within the last year, and the fact some of the 20 somethings drive pickups and must be deaf as well as unable to feel the heat as they drive fast down my street, windows down (in 30 C weather no less) playing some kind of Ricky Martin/Bird Dance tune that was so loud I could actually discern the lyrics. But it only came off as a rant and not funny. This makes me sad.
     It makes me sad because each day something new bothers me and it just serves to remind me that I am ending up like that old guy on everyones street who is a miserable twat and not happy about anything. However there is hope. While doing my research paper on effects of pharmacological agents on monkeys, I discovered that monkeys were happiest when high on marijuana and listening to Alvin and the Chipmunks backwards, which sounds a lot like Jefferson Starship (no, not airplane).
     Therefore to keep me happy and avoid the Dreaded Old Coot Syndrome™, I am now taking donations to keep me supplied with ganja until this symptom goes away. Maui Wowie is my first choice for medicinal usage otherwise I could resort to Red Lebanese or Thai Stick if I had to.
     Remember, nobody likes an old coot yelling "Get off my grass!" or "Turn that down!" all the time. You have the power to help the needy and unfortunate.  Just like Jerry Maguire said "Help me, help you!"
DOCS®  is a horrible disease afflicting only men aged 50 and over who only see the glass as half empty. Please help me see it as half full or otherwise asking "What glass man?" and give some relief where it's needed...at home. Thank you.
This advertisement is not intended to solicit properties already for sale. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Damn! I'm Still Busy!

Second Show Added!

With Special Guests
Demi Lovato &
Friends From Camp Rock 2

American Express® Cardmembers can purchase tickets* to JONAS BROTHERS before the general public beginningThursday, July 8 at 10am.
TORONTO: Molson Canadian Amphitheatre
September 3, 2010 | 2:00pm

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Weird Times (originally written after the great ontario quake of '10)

    Had a nap two days ago to get ready for night shift. Woke up to our closet mirrored doors rattling against each other. The only time this occurs is A.) Tabitha the nuclear projectile vomit kitty is in my closet and turning around, or trying to get in there or B.) EARTHQUAAAAAKE!, with my luck I'd be George Kennedy this time and not Charlton Heston. Damnit! Ok, nevermind that reference kids.
I looked at the dog, he (as usual) was napping with me on his bed across the room. He was looking at me with those wide eyes that seemed to say "Do you have any idea what the hell is going on here?"
I decided it was a truck going by. A very long truck. And went back to sleep.
Went into work later and found out on the news on the way in that it was a quake. And that of course all hell broke loose on 911. Approx 30 some odd 911 calls waiting to be answered in the queue, all of them saying. "I think there's someone trying to break into my house" or "Is that a quake I feel?" Because yes, both of those are worth 911 calls when you have no clue what is going on. Not really, I just can't really can't call people f'ing morons on taped lines. Shortens the career path somewhat. Although....If I won a good lottery like say 5 or 10 mill, I'd be willing to sacrifice myself to find out if that theory is true or not.

Monday, July 5, 2010

G20-G8-G 1.1 Billion Is A Lot Of Money From A Small Population Base!

Pittsburgh hosted the last G20 conference this past september. We held it this June, exactly 9 months later. Coincidence? I think not! 9 is the the number of the beast. Or is it 6? I can never remember.
Outside of the obvious which is that any sane person that resides here would have stayed away from the area, such as I did although I do live northeast of the city and really have no reason to go down there unless it's to watch the sucky Blue Jays lose yet again. Which I did do the week of the G20 and surprisingly I think most people that live here did stay away as we just literally flew down the Don Valley Parkway. Took us maybe 40 minutes door to parking spot downtown, on a weeknight no less! This trip would usually take us at least an hour. (Wow, verbal diarrhea)
Ok, enough about my fun there. We saw lots of fences! And lots of cops...no, I mean we saw a LOT of cops. Everywhere you turned there were little posse's of them.
So, I had hoped that Toronto (the good) would show the world that as Canadians we are pacifistic and will lie down and take more McGuinty taxes up the butt because that's the way we are. Apparently not so- there were quite the few violent actions that occurred and while the protest started off peacefully. It quickly turned into a party with these black bloc morons getting involved as they have in the past G20's and this was no exception. Apparently they are anti-establishment and anti-anything resembling a sane person as shown by the following pictures I stole from the Toronto Star:
Take that! Tim Hortons, you capitalist bastards! Feeding off the lowly underpaid minimum wage earner while giving them a job and some work experience....oh, well hang on here's another one; 

And you! Winners store selling last years hot fashions at reduced prices this year (some of which I'm wearing as I break your window), take that you bad people! 

I got the old guy gang! Damn hippies! 

I think these three are who I saw on tv, they came and sat down in front of the riot cops, most likely singing kumbaya or give peace a chance or such and then the cops charged at them, I'm sure scaring the crap out of them. Was very humorous. 
The news clip didn't show them beating the crap out of  them so I'm sure they just scared them is all.  


Oh...you were just getting some friends in blacker clothes with attitudes. 

 Say hello to my leetle friend! Mr Boot up your ass! 

Well....at least we didn't use the sound cannon.  

Hey look! It's Ninjas! 

Now this is interesting. The Star reported that this poor fellow was trying to put out the flames when he was overcome by smoke. However the photo blog I found these pictures on had no less than two comments from people saying they saw this guy get arrested for putting the po-po mobile on fire. 

Oh is this your car officer? We were just pimping your ride dude! 

One little question...why are so many people standing there? Watching? WTF? 

I feel the same way honey.

      I was really hoping Toronto would be the exception. Sadly, these people that came to vandalize our city found our address. I'm not labelling all of the protestors like this. Just the ones that did the damage. I do believe in freedom of speech and assembly. I do believe you have a right to peaceful protest if you like. 
     What I do have a hard time with is these jerks who dressed in black, labelled as "Anarchists" by the media who cost our city a fair chunk of change to repair the damage that was caused. On the Sunday of the conference, police raided a University of Toronto office and found people there with weapons and black clothing. Media attempted to interview one female as she was being led away and she spoke french, saying she didn't understand english. 
     Late Sunday around 4 pm police cornered a few hundred people at an intersection and rounded them all up. They all complained to the media as soon as they could. The way I look at this is the conference is over, time to go home folks. Nothing to protest anymore. So the police were just shutting this puppy down. 
If the people don't like how the police acted there is always one thing that could have been done...nothing. 



About Me

My photo
I work at a 911 centre. Yes, CENTRE! I am Canadian! So, yes I do have some stories. Not as many as you might think as you do tend to get jaded working in that environment for any length of time. And you start to think of everyone as stupid, immature, and wonder how we ever survived the dark ages as a race. We need more chlorine in the gene pool! Most people I find are afraid. Afraid of life, afraid of each other, afraid of failure, afraid of success. You big fraidy cats! Wait till the zombies come, now that's something to be truly afraid of!