Sunday, January 31, 2010

January Full Moon/Wolf Moon Crashing Into Earth

The first full moon of the year and they say it will be the closest approach to earth as well. They, whoever "They" are, say the moon because of it's elliptical dance around the earth will actually be a mere 356,593 kilometres away. As shown in the photo to the right it actually does appear that it's a scanty 356,583 kilometres away thanks to the high powered lenses in my Fujifilm Finepix digital powerhouse camera. They (I am suspecting Brad and Angelina are the "They" in this story) also tell us that the little dot to the left of the amazing shot of the moon is not a speck on your monitor screen but Mars. I think it's time they bought another child and left the real science up to us macadamians. This picture that is worthy of a Pulitzer prize was taken on Friday January 29th at 930 pm. I would also like to point out that this moon was seen at this precise moment by all those on this side of the earth who chose to look up (providing they didn't have cloud cover) Which would be billions, literally billions! of people. It's truly mind boggling. And one last do Brad and Angelina know that it is 356,593 kms away? Did they use one of those golf distance finders? I mean, they're actors! When did they have time to get all edumacated and stuff. In any event, that's one awesome tape measure!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Things You Don't See Everyday Part One

Yes that is what you think it is. All I want to know, after I searched around for an elderly person with their pants around their ankles and who perhaps had fallen and couldn't get up. Where the hell does this stuff come from? I mean come on people, you don't just decide then and there that the bathroom isn't good enough for you anymore and you want to have a dump in the street while watching traffic go by at an intersection. Although...that gives me an idea for more time off work.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I saw these two lights just hovering in the distance. Was really weird, but I wasn't scared. Just curious. Have a couple more pictures of them as well. And I didn't get the urge to make a mountain of mashed potatoes, but most likely because it was very early in the morning. That's when they come you know. When everyone is asleep. We are not alone.

I was going to post something

And then changed my mind.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today would have been my fathers 85th birthday excepting for that little bout of stomach cancer that did him in. We were lucky, he wasn't in much pain until the very last day, he also didn't want to fight it. Didn't believe in chemo or radiation therapy. Too tired he used to tell me.
Plus I know he missed my mom too much. She predeceased him by 5 years.
They weren't any stretch of the imagination. Dad survived his last years on what the government gave him, no savings at all. They tried to save, but too little, too late and when my mom got sick on a trip out west, his motel stay for a month in Alberta ate up what they saved.
We never went hungry, never were cold, homeless, or no clothes.
Sometimes I wondered if we were going to end up on the street as he had started his own company and his one big client was Eaton's catalogue shopping. When they closed the doors on that, that was a death sentence to him. He hadn't even started the company but did have equipment on order and a lease in place. We lost our house in Scarborough. Moved to North York where I finished the rest of my childhood. And then a shiny object caught my attention and it didn't last long enough to really worry about.
He served in the 2nd world war onboard a cruiser in the south pacific. His mother signed him up for the navy as he was too young at the time (17). He saw a lot of the world in a short period of time and made some friends for life that came back into his life as he and mom got older.
There were a lot of "almosts" in his life. He had a 5 acre farm at on Finch Ave, and I'm not sure if the corner was Pharmacy, Midland or something else. If he had held onto it- would have had millions from the selling of the land. I could go on and on however unfortunately it's 9:33 and I have to get up at 0345 for work. A line from Joni Mitchell's song Big Yellow Taxi strikes me..."that you don't know what you got till it's gone."
I miss him. Sometimes terribly. Once in a while I get this urge to call him.
Rats, can't call him where he is now. Rest in peace Poppy, you and Mom earned it.
Your son.

This makes me laugh everytime I see it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Years Day 2010 checking out the Wii.

We, and I say we as in the royal we. That's how I'm going to refer to myself from now on. That way when I finally do get admitted people will say "I always knew he was crazy".
Anyways, We shall attempt to get this thing moving again as I know I have broken some hearts. Ok one, Q if you're reading this....STOP HARASSING ME! hahahahhah.

Just Because


About Me

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I work at a 911 centre. Yes, CENTRE! I am Canadian! So, yes I do have some stories. Not as many as you might think as you do tend to get jaded working in that environment for any length of time. And you start to think of everyone as stupid, immature, and wonder how we ever survived the dark ages as a race. We need more chlorine in the gene pool! Most people I find are afraid. Afraid of life, afraid of each other, afraid of failure, afraid of success. You big fraidy cats! Wait till the zombies come, now that's something to be truly afraid of!