Ok, not that many. Won a trip to the Cayman Islands that will take place in December. That's the biggest of course, which most reading this would know anyway since I have bored them to death with things to do in the Cayman Islands. Or the Caymans as we locals like to call it.
Ok that was bad taste passing myself off as a local since I've never been off North America. And I just googled that and found out I still won't be off the continent since America del Norte actually covers the caribbean as well.
The Americas are generally accepted as having been named after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci (who also gave us the Vespa line of scooters) by the German Cartographers Martin Waldseemuller and Matthias Ringmann (who gave us saturday morning cartoons, sunday comics and expensive luxury cars that I can't afford to buy). Here's a picture of the guy who named our continent. Personally the Federated Lands of Vespucci has a certain flair to it that I like.
And here is a picture of him on his scooter.
Oops, I mean we tried to get a picture of him on his scooter however the photographer took the picture a little too late....or a quarter of a second too early.
So I digress, I am tired, did 26 k today in preparation for next months marathon. A marathon is 42 k. I am so screwed! Was supposed to do 32 today as last weekend I had only managed to do 29 k of again my 32. Yes for those that don't know we usually run the same distance two weekends in a row and depending on the length, the 3rd weekend would be a bit of cut back, to give some muscles a bit of a break. This only occurs during the longest distances in training however. Guess I shouldn't say "only managed" as it's still a pretty impressive distance, however I have my eye on the end distance, and anything less is well, not completed, and failure. Jeez, I sound so serious! Maybe if I had gotten out there more steadily I wouldn't be in this boat. That's my fault however, always trying to do the least, and that's the thing about the marathon, it is unforgiving. You have to do the mileage to make it to the end and survive in one piece.
The Cayman Island trip came about because I signed up for the (insert sponsor name here) Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront marathon. And I signed up to do it before March of this year. Apparently when you sign up to do it, and also sign up for a clinic at (flagrant sponsorship name goes here) The Running Room, you are automatically entered for a draw to win a trip for two to the islands. Most expenses paid...ok flight, accommodations which does include breakfast at the said accommodation, transportation from and to said accommodation, and all taxes as well they will pay my way into the CAYMAN ISLAND MARATHON or half marathon, whichever I choose to do.
Personally, I would have preferred to have won the Lotto Max at 50 million as this island is where I would hide at least 25 million. And perhaps myself and wife for a while.
Although I thought I had come across something recently that stated that the banking laws down there had changed and it's not the tax haven it used to be. So what else is new?
I have a decision to make regarding upcoming runs and not sure which way to make it although I will probably do the one that is the bad decision. Because that is the the one that appeals the most to me of course. We shall see.