Yes this is the same vid that I had posted couple days ago, however due to legalese which I'm probably going to lose all the money I will ever make or have made aka copyright issues (sounds an awful lot like having children), NBC pulled it off the site I had here it is again. If only for a couple hours till they find it again. This was run before the opening ceremonies in Vancouver, speaking of which how about those Canadian hockey girls? The after game festivities, ok that's a whole other discussion.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
That's Just Not Normal
You have got to watch this little vid...just for the "Oh, that's just not normal" quality.
Nothing gross or anything, just....holy shit, how do they do that? And me, with my problems you'd definitely understand.
Now Here's A Good Idea
Ok, I'm lying.
While we're at it as a human race, since we don't have to change our clothes to go out in public, as we often see at stores. Why bother bathing as well? As a matter of fact, those dentists are crazy I don't feel like brushing my teeth. Or shaving. Or brushing my hair.
Yes, I can see the reoccurrence of the plague making a lovely comeback. Personally I'm going to get one of those modern masks so I won't catch it.
While we're at it as a human race, since we don't have to change our clothes to go out in public, as we often see at stores. Why bother bathing as well? As a matter of fact, those dentists are crazy I don't feel like brushing my teeth. Or shaving. Or brushing my hair.
Yes, I can see the reoccurrence of the plague making a lovely comeback. Personally I'm going to get one of those modern masks so I won't catch it.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Things Every American and Canadian Should Know About Our Great Land
A phenominal Tom Brokaw short about our country. This was aired on NBC shortly before
the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver.
Almost makes me want to wave a flag and mouth the words to O' long as no ones looking I mean.
A phenominal Tom Brokaw short about our country. This was aired on NBC shortly before
the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver.
Almost makes me want to wave a flag and mouth the words to O' long as no ones looking I mean.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Things You Learn
Friday, February 12, 2010
Have you ever had a conversation, either verbal or by text where you miss the very first part of the conversation so you just carry on like normal and after talking to the other person they wonder if you're mental because they already told you the most crucial piece of info you needed?
Yah, me too. Took the youngest to school and asked her to text her mom with my phone asking her when the next baby daughter (the 21 yr old) was coming in today by bus from university. The wife replies that she had missed her bus and text her directly. I do, and the conversation went something like this.
"What time do you think you will hit Toronto?"
"I have no clue, I think the next bus is 2 hours long so probably in 3 hours."
"Ok let me know as soon as you can, maybe I can pick you up downtown."
" this bus is just leaving (obviously missed this slightly important part) and should get me there in an hour and half, should I just take the go (bus) home?" (May have missed the whole sentence come to think of it)
"Are you taking greyhound or go bus?"
"Greyhound right now"
"Wait, I'm taking the go home then or are you picking me up?"
"Was going to pick you up, just looking to see what time you are expected in"
So then I discuss where she catching the go bus while I'm looking online at the Greyhound schedule and I tell her the 1030 arrives at 1205. She then informs me she's on the 0930 but it was 15 mins late. She then says "Have you not been reading my texts?" and won't answer me now when I text her. Guess I got her hopes up that I would get her and now they're dashed away by my 1100 doctor appointment which basically means unless she wants to hang around downtown for an extra hour she better take the go bus home. Sigh.
Ok, not really funny or important but it's my blog and I can say what I want on it.
Yah, me too. Took the youngest to school and asked her to text her mom with my phone asking her when the next baby daughter (the 21 yr old) was coming in today by bus from university. The wife replies that she had missed her bus and text her directly. I do, and the conversation went something like this.
"What time do you think you will hit Toronto?"
"I have no clue, I think the next bus is 2 hours long so probably in 3 hours."
"Ok let me know as soon as you can, maybe I can pick you up downtown."
" this bus is just leaving (obviously missed this slightly important part) and should get me there in an hour and half, should I just take the go (bus) home?" (May have missed the whole sentence come to think of it)
"Are you taking greyhound or go bus?"
"Greyhound right now"
"Wait, I'm taking the go home then or are you picking me up?"
"Was going to pick you up, just looking to see what time you are expected in"
So then I discuss where she catching the go bus while I'm looking online at the Greyhound schedule and I tell her the 1030 arrives at 1205. She then informs me she's on the 0930 but it was 15 mins late. She then says "Have you not been reading my texts?" and won't answer me now when I text her. Guess I got her hopes up that I would get her and now they're dashed away by my 1100 doctor appointment which basically means unless she wants to hang around downtown for an extra hour she better take the go bus home. Sigh.
Ok, not really funny or important but it's my blog and I can say what I want on it.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Back Pain
I have had (suffered) back pain for the past 12-13 years. It came on suddenly while I was practicing Taekwondo. I figured it was something I had aggravated during stretching. I stopped going to practice for 6 months then tried to go out again...once.
I realized then and there that I would never be able to practice it while I had this pain. Which really was a shame as I had been going faithfully for a year, 2-3 times a week. One night after hockey sitting around in the dressing room two of the guys mentioned that my physique had changed and I was looking quite good. Seriously. Outside of my immediate homophobia kicking in thinking I was going to get jumped in the parking lot or "Hey, lets all go have a shower!". They were just being kind and giving me an honest evaluation. Which I think about cuz this old fatty wishes he had that physique again. Damn!
So this year started out well, not. Have had flare ups more than usual so far. Has gotten to the point where one or two days of being in agony was enough for me to mention to the darling wife about an inversion table I saw a Costco.
Have thought about these things for years wondering if they are any good for my problem. Seems to me it would help as it would relieve the pressure on my lower back. June said if it was that bad and I was so serious why didn't I check to see if there was a place that had them already that you could go to. I immediately thought of a group therapy session where everyone is hanging upside down in a circle discussing their problems. "My name is Alex and I'm an alcoholic". or "My mother didn't love me enough" and so on.
So I googled back clinics and low and behold there are plenty of them around. Chiropractors galore! Well, have done that route numerous times and while I admire them and have gone to see them, they just don't fully "cure" the problem. It does seem to help- getting adjustments, but doesn't totally get rid of the pain, always have it. Just learned to live with it so far. So found this one site which was reasonably local where they offer "non-surgical treatment" of something called Spinal Decompression Therapy. Called (actually sent an email from work at 0400- bad times my friend, was hurtin).
Made an appointment to see Herr Doktor, as not everyone is accepted for this therapy you know. Or so he claims.
See! My distrust is kicking in. Anyways he pokes and prods, does some tests, sends me to get xrays of my back done. And tells me to bring my wife to the consult appointment. Hmmmm, sez I, that sounds suspicious to me.
So, the good wife says..."I can't afford three hours to go see this quack, er doctor. It's your back, I semi don't care, just want you healthy". Or words pretty close to that effect. At least the first party was damn close.
I end up going alone, which is what I thought from the beginning, and now it sounds like I'm whining about it, which I'm not, I was nervous going back thinking he's going to tell me unless I get treatment I could end up in a wheelchair or I'll go blind. Just something outrageous.
This guy seemed so serious about having my wife come with me that it strikes as a bit of psychology at play here. He asked probing questions about me, my wife, my life and kids. Wanted to know what everyone was up to. So if I tell you something matter of factly, seriously, and leave no room for discussion. You will most likely do it. Well not jump off a bridge, but things you wouldn't normally do. Well maybe not you, but I might as I am a bit wishy washy. Maybe that's what he discovered! Horrors!
Well, I went back...alone and found out he wants 5 grand to fix my back. He has an extremely high success ratio (according to him-92%), but no money back guarantee. I'm gonna get a second opinion. Went back to my gp, explained what was going on and he wants the x-rays sent to the radiologist to interpret them and then he will book me for a ct scan/mri if the radiologist says yes, there's some kinda crazy mojo happening in this guys back. So if anything all this exercise has done is get me off my ass to do something about my back.
Ok long winded, think it's time for some pictures. At least one.
I realized then and there that I would never be able to practice it while I had this pain. Which really was a shame as I had been going faithfully for a year, 2-3 times a week. One night after hockey sitting around in the dressing room two of the guys mentioned that my physique had changed and I was looking quite good. Seriously. Outside of my immediate homophobia kicking in thinking I was going to get jumped in the parking lot or "Hey, lets all go have a shower!". They were just being kind and giving me an honest evaluation. Which I think about cuz this old fatty wishes he had that physique again. Damn!
So this year started out well, not. Have had flare ups more than usual so far. Has gotten to the point where one or two days of being in agony was enough for me to mention to the darling wife about an inversion table I saw a Costco.
Have thought about these things for years wondering if they are any good for my problem. Seems to me it would help as it would relieve the pressure on my lower back. June said if it was that bad and I was so serious why didn't I check to see if there was a place that had them already that you could go to. I immediately thought of a group therapy session where everyone is hanging upside down in a circle discussing their problems. "My name is Alex and I'm an alcoholic". or "My mother didn't love me enough" and so on.
So I googled back clinics and low and behold there are plenty of them around. Chiropractors galore! Well, have done that route numerous times and while I admire them and have gone to see them, they just don't fully "cure" the problem. It does seem to help- getting adjustments, but doesn't totally get rid of the pain, always have it. Just learned to live with it so far. So found this one site which was reasonably local where they offer "non-surgical treatment" of something called Spinal Decompression Therapy. Called (actually sent an email from work at 0400- bad times my friend, was hurtin).
Made an appointment to see Herr Doktor, as not everyone is accepted for this therapy you know. Or so he claims.
See! My distrust is kicking in. Anyways he pokes and prods, does some tests, sends me to get xrays of my back done. And tells me to bring my wife to the consult appointment. Hmmmm, sez I, that sounds suspicious to me.
So, the good wife says..."I can't afford three hours to go see this quack, er doctor. It's your back, I semi don't care, just want you healthy". Or words pretty close to that effect. At least the first party was damn close.
I end up going alone, which is what I thought from the beginning, and now it sounds like I'm whining about it, which I'm not, I was nervous going back thinking he's going to tell me unless I get treatment I could end up in a wheelchair or I'll go blind. Just something outrageous.
This guy seemed so serious about having my wife come with me that it strikes as a bit of psychology at play here. He asked probing questions about me, my wife, my life and kids. Wanted to know what everyone was up to. So if I tell you something matter of factly, seriously, and leave no room for discussion. You will most likely do it. Well not jump off a bridge, but things you wouldn't normally do. Well maybe not you, but I might as I am a bit wishy washy. Maybe that's what he discovered! Horrors!
Well, I went back...alone and found out he wants 5 grand to fix my back. He has an extremely high success ratio (according to him-92%), but no money back guarantee. I'm gonna get a second opinion. Went back to my gp, explained what was going on and he wants the x-rays sent to the radiologist to interpret them and then he will book me for a ct scan/mri if the radiologist says yes, there's some kinda crazy mojo happening in this guys back. So if anything all this exercise has done is get me off my ass to do something about my back.
Ok long winded, think it's time for some pictures. At least one.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Frekin Awesome
Courtesy of my brother who always knew I wanted to be somebodies hero. Takes a little bit to load, pretty cool though.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The Last Post
Ok so the last post the work wife didn't understand....Um, I kinda didn't either. Let this be a warning to you all! You are your own liquor control board.
So I deleted the post, if you didn't see it, didn't understand it, just went onto the next gaylord blog. I understand, you didn't miss anything, and you should stick around for the fireworks, they're really awesome.
Oh damn, apparently I own the liquor control board and in the words of Peter Gabriel he said
"Hi There". (those of you born after 1984 won't get this)....(maybe some of those born after 1959 won't either)
Nevermind. Talk later.
I'll just distract you with a picture instead.

Isn't she cuuuuute!!!!!
So I deleted the post, if you didn't see it, didn't understand it, just went onto the next gaylord blog. I understand, you didn't miss anything, and you should stick around for the fireworks, they're really awesome.
Oh damn, apparently I own the liquor control board and in the words of Peter Gabriel he said
"Hi There". (those of you born after 1984 won't get this)....(maybe some of those born after 1959 won't either)
Nevermind. Talk later.
I'll just distract you with a picture instead.

Isn't she cuuuuute!!!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Main Floor Powderroom

Now that I'm almost finished renovating the bathroom. Ok not really, just finished putting the baseboards back down and have to put in the new toilet and vanity top...and put in the sink and then the faucet. Then I'll be finished!
Having this thought about putting the old toilet in the garden as a planter, much like my father in law did years ago at their place. Wondering how long it will last before the long suffering and much adored wife of mine will tell me to get rid of it. I figure all of about 22.8 seconds. That's how much time I'll have until she walks in the backyard this May and finds it there.
I also just realized this is the second post this month dealing with toilets...sort of. I'd better find something else to write about.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sometimes patience is a good thing. As my good friend and work wife pointed out...maybe you shouldn't post stuff right after a night shift. Ramble on?
Ok whatever, if you can't keep up with the program, we'll all jump on the short bus.
Oh did I mention that this is not a pc friendly/alternative lifestyle blog?
Must have missed that, however that said, we are all welcome here.
You just have to learn to take your shots when they come no matter who/what/ you are.
love you long time.
Shopping Bags
Ok this is something I've been meaning to say for a while. The grocers in Toronto and surrounding area decided (again "Them"- see previous post) that shopping bags were bad for the environment. Well duh, I guess they didn't see enough pictures of wildlife with bags stuck around their necks or choked to death on them, etc. for the past what 25-35 years to finally get the picture. Anyways they decided to cut down on the amount of plastic bags in the landfills and from then on it would cost the consumer something like 5 cents a bag to buy them in the hopes that people are;
1. cheap enough that we won't shell out an extra 5 cents a bag now that we have to start paying for them, and 2. stupid enough to do the above.
And guess what? For the most part it seems to work. We have all bought these reusable bags. Which from what I have heard from my brother, this is what they do in Europe and have been doing for years- bring their own bags I mean.
Seems to be the North American wasteful society thing to develop something to throw away...much like our divorce rates.
I have heard that the lifespan of a plastic garbage bag takes 200 years to decompose. First of all, plastic wasn't around 200 years ago so how would Brangelina know it takes that long? And I don't think Brad and Angie ( I hope you don't mind me calling you that), are even close to that age.
So 200 years is a long time and I'm not sure Brangelina can count that high, and the bag people started making the bags thinner and not good for shite...literally cat shite I'm talking about. Would take me two bags- an inner bag that usually had a hole in it, and an outer bag that has no holes. So yes, I'm the guy that's been filling the landfills lately. Well that is before the environmental bags came in.
I digress (obviously), so what this whole post was about was the local grocery stores have for the past 6 or 8 months made you supply the shopping bag. Which I don't mind as it will hopefully one day reflect this in the landfills, what I do mind though is one day the cashier will fill my bag with my goods and the next because of this new law/rule/whatever it is, will just ring through my goods, take my money and stand there looking at me like I know something about packing a bag. Or even worse start working on the next client while I'm trying to figure out what goes where. And yes, this is the local Metro (formerly known as A & P or Prince, not sure which yet).
The only store that this does not bother me at is No Frills, since they have always been what they say..."at these prices pack your own damn bags!".
Although the Metro in Newmarket south of Mulock employees ask you if they can pack your bag for you...customer service, aint' it amazing! I should write to the manager of that store to give them an attaboy.
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- Tom Brokaw Introduces Canada to Americans
- Judy Judy Judy
- That's Just Not Normal
- Now Here's A Good Idea
- Things Every American and Canadian Should Know Abo...
- Things You Learn
- Conversations
- Back Pain
- Hey you, yes you...
- Frekin Awesome
- The Last Post
- This Would Be An Awesome Superpower To Have!
- Main Floor Powderroom
- I Love a Good Cheese
- Patience
- Shopping Bags
About Me

- Blue aka "The Creeper"
- I work at a 911 centre. Yes, CENTRE! I am Canadian! So, yes I do have some stories. Not as many as you might think as you do tend to get jaded working in that environment for any length of time. And you start to think of everyone as stupid, immature, and wonder how we ever survived the dark ages as a race. We need more chlorine in the gene pool! Most people I find are afraid. Afraid of life, afraid of each other, afraid of failure, afraid of success. You big fraidy cats! Wait till the zombies come, now that's something to be truly afraid of!