Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I was advised there was a "learning curve" in going from PC to Mac...it just occurred to me that I don't know how to save a picture on here. Wanted to throw one up that was sent to me earlier today....drats. foiled again. And there's a backspace key but no "get the one next to that one" key. Obviously I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but that's par for the course. I'm still thrilled, nice beautiful bright screen. I'll find out eventually where everything is. I hope.


Bonjour, I have not been very nice lately towards this blogging thing (as if you didn't know). And thanks to my brother who pointed this out to me (as if I didn't know). So what's new, lets see I turned 50, am still breathing, have to get bifocals (which does and doesn't upset me). And I have a new Macbook which while it is the first day with it, it's beautiful! I think I'm in love with an inanimate object, other than my sex doll I mean.
Start work again in the am, so don't have a lot of time to play with my new toy. And of course no new pictures since it's so new and I have to start all over again with collecting pictures, since I had a pc before. Argh. That's the only downfall of this whole Mac vs pc thing. But I will attempt to not let it frustrate me too much. Will write later, see if I can actually find something worth posting.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Just funny

Random thoughts

Ok not the best at working this thing. Have far too many things to do, not enough hours in the day, especially when I sleep in till 9. Holy Crap! The days gone by the time I walk the dog, have breakfast, shower or whatever else I'm doing...or not doing.
Halloween is coming, have watched Trick r Treat twice now. Have made a coffin that will look (hopefully) like it's coming out of the ground. Yes Virginia it is not a full size coffin. The wife (the first one) does not like the idea of coffins. No matter if they are the old toe pincher style.
So made half of one. I have a skeleton to put inside it, that I received from my lovely ladies at work for my 50th birthday. So yes, I made a special housing for this fellah if you like.
Have waited what um, 3 years for this movie to come out. The director Michael Dougherty was saying last year that Warners wouldn't release it because he was the head writer on Superman Returns and since it sucked so bad, they held back this one. Not sure how much truth there is to that, but wouldn't put it past execs.
I see sucky people.
Ok so got a lot to do still. Hoping to do a "Monster in a box" and would like to do one more dead person coming out of the ground. We'll see. Talk later. but sooner than last time. since it's been a few weeks.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lame'o Me

Not much to say lately or today, just busy. Happy Thanksgiving for us Canuckdians!
Mmmmm turkey.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

S'up....or however you spell it.

So I started this blog/spilling out my guts/talking aloud/whatever you call this and I'm still not sure why. Not sure if this is a public rant for me on things that go wrong, or if it's just me screwing around.
Most likely as most things in my life are, I just liked the idea and decided "Lets try this"...."for a while a.k.a until I get sick of it". So yes I am EXTREMELY impulsive. Perhaps bordering on obsessive. Once something gets in my head. Like Lets run for almost 5 hours because I haven't done that before and shit that sounds like a barrel full of monkey fun!
Which now that I've survived, it's not. the question at this point now is, can I keep going like I said I would? Or am I just going to wuss out and put more extra periods at the end of my sentence when I'm stuck for a thought.
Yes I guess I'm pretty random. Oh look there's a shiny thing!
My wife who is my life partner, I didn't even tell I was doing a blog. I guess it's the judgmental thing that bothers me. If someone stumbles across this writing and responds by saying "Bleu! You Suck!". I'd be ok with that because number 1. They're French. and 2. I don't know you so you probably suck too. Having someone close to me, who I did tell such as my brudder, and two of my friends from work does make me nervous. But on the other hand, not so much because it's just an opinion. No one has to agree with it.
So I guess I am judgmental and if you've read this far, good on you mate!
I try not to be prejudice but that guy screwing around with the tiger cage at 1 in the am. Sorry, I do tend to be prejudice about that. You're just f'ing stupid.
I was going to talk about the NFL player who just was penalized for "praising the Lord". But obviously got sidetracked. Talk later, got work in the am. I hate dayshift. But only because I have to get up at 0345 and I'm too stupid to try and go to sleep at 7:00. And if I'm fast, I can get in a level of Halo (it's all about priorities) before making the dog come out in pitch black to pee and go to bed.
Blab at you later.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

People Are Smrt (2)


A man in Calgary most likely after a night of imbibing (ok I'm supposing here, but really what the hell else reason could there be?) broke into the Calgary Zoo and climbed one of two fences into the Siberian Tigers cage. The 27 yr old man suffered injuries to his arms when a 2 yr old male tigers claw hooked his arm and dragged it into the 2nd fence. Another 27 yr old man called a security person he knew to bring the videocamera for youtube footage. Oh yah and get some medical help too.
Sigh, another sign that the gene pool needs more chlorine added.
I think someone left home without their helmet again!

Here Kitty kitty kitty

Monday, October 5, 2009

People Are Smrt

When one of my calltakers was clarifying why the caller was reporting the incident...

"So it's a domestic then?"

"I don't know if it's domestic or international".

Bill Engvall says it best..."Here's your sign"

Marathon Man

Ok I lived through it. Barely... it seemed at the time. And there never was a question of me not finishing. Ran the first 21k fine. Then things started to go south about the 25 k mark.
They split the runners up about the 18k mark, half marathoners to the left. Marathoners to the right, and god forbid you tried to cross over. They had these huge inflatable entrances which specified which was for what race. Race officials were quite vocal about which way to go for those who had doubts...or were blind to the signs...or just blind.
I remember thinking at that point, "Halfway! Only 21k more to go!" or maybe it was more "OHMYGAWD21MORETOGO!"
I was doing the Running Rooms 10 and 1's. For those that don't know that's running 10 minutes for every 1 minute of walking. Supposedly helps you make it to the finish line. So I was doing these as best I could, then started- I think 5 & 1's, then 3 & 1's, and then started reversing the order, 2 & 8's or whatever I damned well felt like. After the 25 mark if was very hard to run for any length of time. My feet at one point felt like they were on fire. My toes went numb.
I got to 5 k left and I was thinking "C'mon! You can do this! It's only 5k!". I think I managed a couple hundred metres then started walking again. How depressing. Then I got to 2 kilometres, then 1. At 800 metres I had to walk again and think at 700 I started up again and managed to keep going the rest of the way in.
The people at this point were lined up behind barricades and so many people along the way cheered you along, it felt great to have them there. Anyways there were a lot of people in the last few hundred metres (maybe couple thousand? Not sure), so you felt obligated to run, ha. I tried to leg it out, the old sprint to the finish...I had nothing left, no gas. So just trotted along as best I could and kept moving.
Came around the last corner and finally saw the finish line just ahead. Now that was a sight to melt the heart. Knowing I'd just finished "running" 42.2 km's (ok actually 42.195 but since it took me 8 minutes just to get to the start line, I'm sure it's over 42.2). Not sure if that was the runners high or just a high, but it was an amazing feeling..."THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!"
Oops, flashback to Highlander there. Just an incredible sight actually. The whole experience. Glad I did it. Want to do more. Haven't run since the race. Time to get moving again.
(And note to self...don't start a race at the back of the pack)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What the hell am I doing here?

I don't know what I'm doing...I doubt I know how to write (although I am one that subscribes to the romantic notion of being a writer-figure that one out Freud!)
Someone I know only through blogging suggested that I should start. Not sure I have time since the rest of my time is spent sleeping, working, running or staring at the kitchen wall.
So might as well do something else I don't have time for.
I am running my first marathon this weekend and haven't run enough in my training.
My gawd! Do you know how much mileage you have to rack up in order to do this stupid thing?... Lots. Aaand you have to be dedicated and commit the time and eat properly and get enough sleep. Pfffft! I say! I'm a shift worker, I never get enough sleep!
And I'll be hurting come Sunday I know that. I just want to live through it and say I've done something that 99% of the world hasn't. Nah nah nah boo boo! At this point I just want to do one, come in at whatever time I do (figure around 4:30-4:45) and then I can start working on getting my time down in the future. When I started training for it months ago. I had yet again the romantic (mushburger at heart) notion of qualifying for Boston. Since then reality has slapped me upside the head and let me see what I am not physically able to do (just yet). Pains and aches aside, it will be a challenge. I am apprehensive and neurotic/obsessive about it.
I am also hopeful that I will one day write something that people will want to read and fall into a routine that the blog shall shape itself appropriately and not just have me blathering off with no real substance to say. Otherwise why post this stuff.

Fine! Mr Sarcastic! Piss off yourself. And stay away from the potted plants. You little sob.


About Me

My photo
I work at a 911 centre. Yes, CENTRE! I am Canadian! So, yes I do have some stories. Not as many as you might think as you do tend to get jaded working in that environment for any length of time. And you start to think of everyone as stupid, immature, and wonder how we ever survived the dark ages as a race. We need more chlorine in the gene pool! Most people I find are afraid. Afraid of life, afraid of each other, afraid of failure, afraid of success. You big fraidy cats! Wait till the zombies come, now that's something to be truly afraid of!