Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cars aka The Long Post

Brought my car to the dealership this morning, where I'm currently sitting on my butt. I don't like this dealership, I don't like this dealer, I don't like the car, I don't like much Sam I am.
For a myriad of reasons, I dislike this dealer, ship, car, people in it. The main reason would have started when I purchased the car.
Through my work association they advertised in our magazine that they give good. No GREAT pricing on new vehicles. So like a fool, I came in. They said they could accept the ad I showed them. I ended up buying a car. Went home and checked on the internet, they actually charged me more for the base price than the manufacturer had listed as the msrp. Wasn't much, couple hundred bucks, but's the point of the matter. Next time I go car shopping I have 2 rules I am now going to follow.
Number 1 is that they all lie. How do I know this? Easy, their mouths are moving.
And number 2. Just walk away, seriously. Walk away until I have thought this thing through. They can wait. Vultures.
So at my least favourite dealership they have a drive in bay for service, so I pull up. The doors are down, waiting for them to open.....waiting.....waiting....waiting. I know they can see me sitting in my car waiting. Remember when we were kids and we used to play at being invisible? How come when you become an adult it becomes a reality? So I can see them, they see me. They just choose to play a game I gave up at 2 yrs old.
I can see a young lad inside doing something, not sure if he's pressure washing the floor or just sweeping it as the frosted glass on the door blocks my vision that far. Would it be that hard to wave at me or acknowledge my presence?
Still waiting....ok 26.5 seconds is long enough. I get out of the car, knowing no one is going to say anything to me for at least 5 minutes. Something like "Oh Sir, you just want to head in, we're cleaning the bay right now and not taking the vehicles in this way, thanks so much!"
Because that would be so helpful now wouldn't it? And we all know that customer service is number 1 these days in the service world.
No. No one comes to tell me this. They don't love me after all. They only wanted my original 28,000 dollars. And then it's the old hand to the face, whatever!
I feel so used, they could have at least brought me breakfast the next day. And I still hate this dealership.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Just Funny

Stuff You Wish I didn't Show You

Read an autobiography on Gene Roddenberry once. He was an L.A. cop who took night school classes in creative writing. He was ahead of his time. Inter-racial kissing? A diverse crew? Red shirts?
If you remember Galaxy Quest, guy number 6 always bit the bullet. He probably wore a red shirt too. 

Chuck Norris Wannabees

Best tweet ever!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dropping Change Would Piss Me Off Too!

Ok, this is the way I see it. The Hulk comes by, wants to vacuum out his Hulkmobile/tank, whatever. Digs out his quarters for the vacuum and drops his change because his fingers are short and stubby. Maybe more stubby than short. Anyway this pisses him off and after picking up his change realizes he actually needs loonies and he doesn't have any. This is the only plausible answer I have for this picture. Other than superheroes fighting in the dead of night and one throws the other one against the vacuum, causing the damage. Ok so two theories. Orrrr, Agent Smith and Neo meet and have a good tumble with one of them smacking against the side of this. 3 theories! 3! Ah, ah, ah! Ok so the last two sound a lot alike. Two! Two theories! Ah ah ah!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I hope they teach driving better than they spell

The Things You Find

Now if I can only locate a nondescript gym bag full of cash, about 150 g's would suit me nicely. Although now that I've got a get away vehicle, put some hockey cards in the spokes and I'm gone!


About Me

My photo
I work at a 911 centre. Yes, CENTRE! I am Canadian! So, yes I do have some stories. Not as many as you might think as you do tend to get jaded working in that environment for any length of time. And you start to think of everyone as stupid, immature, and wonder how we ever survived the dark ages as a race. We need more chlorine in the gene pool! Most people I find are afraid. Afraid of life, afraid of each other, afraid of failure, afraid of success. You big fraidy cats! Wait till the zombies come, now that's something to be truly afraid of!